Group photo with 5 people: Professor Michael Saliba and his team welcome Muhterem Aras and Winfried Hermann

Muhterem Aras and Winfried Hermann visit the ipv

April 28, 2023 /

On April 28, the president of the Baden-Württemberg state parliament, Muhterem Aras, and the minister of transport, Winfried Hermann, visited the Institute of Photovoltaics. Professor Michael Saliba and his team presented them current research projects, in particular the two startups Perosol and Cyclize.

Hermann emphasized: "I am very interested in making sure that we in politics know what science can do, what is happening and what is coming. We really don't have to hide with our science here locally."

Sustainable substitute for natural gas

Cyclize, founded by a group of young researchers at the Institute of Photovoltaics, has developed a method for producing a natural gas substitute from plastic waste and CO2. In the future, this should enable producers to reuse waste and exhaust gases in a sensible way in the circular economy, making the chemical industry, for example, less dependent on fossil fuels.

Group photo in the lab: Professor Saliba, Winfried Hermann, Muhterem Aras and young researchers
In the lab, the young researchers show the guests what they are doing

Highly flexible power generation

Perosol is also a startup within the University of Stuttgart and the first German startup to do research on innovative solar cells. The ultra-thin cells made of perovskites can be produced in a 3D printer and then layered on top of each other. This means that the solar cells can be used flexibly and attached to surfaces of different textures and shapes.

Group photo with 7 people
The Perosol group and founder Claudiu Mortan welcome Aras and Hermann

After short presentations about their fields of research, the scientists led their guests through the labs to give them a real impression of their research work.

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